Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Intro To E-book Basics


Intro  To   
E-book Basics
An eBook is one way to get an individual’s ideas online either for free or for a reasonable price tag amount. 
Basically the term eBook refers to the electronic form of publication of any information.                                                                     
The information can be on a vast and almost infinite variety of topics and the information can also be sources from other online postings.                              
Get all the info you need here.

E-book Basics 
Most of the eBook use the PDF format but there are also other formats that can be used without many problems while producing the same results. 
The individual would have to ensure the electronic format used is compatible otherwise the information would not be able to be accessed easily therefore defeating the purpose of the posting.   

The process of successfully churning out an eBook is not very difficult and with a little bit of knowledge and research one should be able to come up with a presentable piece worth posting. For the more experienced and serious eBook authors this is a very lucrative revenue earning platform. 

The following are some tips on how to get started: 
Ensure one has a word processor that saves information in PDF formats. 
Google Docs which is free,
Microsoft Word which is not available for free and Open Office which is also free can get the job done adequately. 
The next step which for most can be quite challenging is to be able to come up with material that is worth sharing or selling. 
This material has to be original in its content in order to be able to draw the attention 
of the target audience and to also create a sense of expertise and trustworthiness for 
the author. 
Copied works are usually not favourable. 
Print or save the written material in PDF. 
Deciding on a set amount of words would also be wise as material that is too lengthy can be off putting for some.  
           Decide How Your Book Will Be Used 
There are several different ways to use an eBook compilation online today. 
Some of these are specifically designed as marketable revenue earning product while other are the contributions of individuals who just want to share information with others and yet others who write eBooks as a way to indulge in a writing passion that they have.
Whatever the reasons may be the eBooks that are produced will usually be done in a fashion that best suits its purpose for creation.  
Those who choose to create eBooks for the purpose of establishing steady revenue earning platforms will definitely be more serious and conscientious about its content and design as compared to those who simply do so for the sheer pleasure of being able to share their views and knowledge.  

The one's that choose to do so as an earning tool will focus more on getting the information that is the most relevant, recent and factual based. 

Being a tangible asset the eBooks are something that can be tapped for its profit churning capabilities at any given place and time. 

The sale of such eBooks can be done individually whereby the author has to actively promote his or her eBooks to people interested in purchasing them or the other option would be to sign on with an already established entity that specializes in  eBooks to others for a fee. 

EBooks can also be designed to create an individual’s presence within a specified platform. 
The individual would then be perceived as an authority on the subject matter being produced through the eBook, thus creating a need for the said individual to be needed for their contributions.  
Creating eBooks is considered a big business entity for today’s information hungry world. 
Almost anyone can create an eBook when armed with the adequate amount of corresponding informative content.

Decide On Formats Relative To How Your E-book Will Be Used 
Deciding on the format that's most suitable for the types of various possible uses 
of the eBook is most important to ensuring its effectiveness. It is considered by those who are better informed as an essential point to consider when it comes to electronic publishing styles. 

The format eventually chosen after the relevant considerations have been made will determine the nature of the digital package in which it is distributed.  

'There are many new formats that are available and many more new ones being developed. 
Currently there are tools available to facilitate the repackaging of existing formats into other acceptable or customs designed formats for alternative use.'   

This is of course very useful when the decision is made to commit to one style early on in the designing phase of the eBook exercise and that's the fun part. 

Considering the compatibility of the targeted audience in 'accessing and browsing' through the content of the eBook is important aswell. 

If the intended target audience is unable to access the information placed on the eBook through the chosen format then the eBook would not be worth anything to them.  

Creating ways to ease the 'installation and use' for the intended target audience is also another important point to consider! 

Here too if the installation process is lengthy and tedious the definite existence of the user unfriendly aspect of the design would be off putting and frustrating to the customer.  

Therefore it is necessary to look into the installation requirements for one that is easy and can be tailored to fit the accessibility of the eBook. 

The supporting tools that maybe required in order for the special features to be viewed without any interruptions must also be well chosen. 

There is nothing more annoying for the user than to have these interruptions for the general experience of the eBook browsing.  

Choose A Relevant Topic 
As eBook are predominantly designed for a specific target audience there should ideally be some thought put into the topic matter to be featured in it.  

The content provided in the eBook should ideally reflect the information, solutions, or problems encountered by the reader and other related material that would be useful to the reader focused on that particular subject.  

Therefore choosing a topic to write about should be done with some thought and care to ensure that the choice made is interesting, attention grabbing and competitive in the eBook arena of current times. 
The following are some suggestions of how to choose relevant topics: 
·        Determining and understanding the reasons for writing the eBook should be clearly established even before the exercise to write begins.                 Questions such as; Is it being written for monetary gain, promotional reasons, expansion of knowledge, creating an online presence or any of the other motivating reasons should be addressed. 

·        Conducting a thorough market research exercise to determine what is currently causing a “buzz” and the online keywords that are popular and used is also another way to determine a suitable choice topic to write on.
·        Considering a topic that has a personal connection to the individual is also something that can be explored as such material is often well received as others are able to relate to such personal style content.

·       How to eBooks are another popular option to choose to write on!                  If one decides to do this kind of eBook; the information contained in the book should be both of sound and substantiated material.                               A lot of  research and thought needs to be put into this style of content.

·        Having a brainstorming session with colleagues, friends, family and basically anyone who is willing to listen or already connected to the eBook scene, to come up with topics is also a variable way to get ideas.

Put Your E-book Together                                                        There are several types of software available in the market today to assist in the exercise of eBook compiling and writing. 

Some may seem complicated while some may seem too technical!
So the following points are designed to create an easy step by step guide for putting together a simple eBook presentation.

Following the eBook compiler options the individual would have to assign a suitable title for the intended eBook listing and then enter the content about the page while setting the e-book’s window parameters.
·        Using the eBook compiler files, the next step would be to select the eBook folder and set up the order of the files and assign a start up page.

·         For security reasons the individual would be expected to set up the user password with a combination of serial numbers for the intended eBook posting.

·        The toolbar usage would require the eBook compiler toolbar icon to be keyed into the individual that would have to select the buttons, assign the captions for the chosen buttons and icons for the toolbar corresponding actions.

·        The eBook compiler bookmarks is where the individual would insert bookmarks or links that would be displayed at the navigational page of the eBook design content which is a very good tool as you can have people get more information by clicking on the links within the ebook!

·        Generating the branding capabilities through the e-brander with the selection parameters can be done in the eBook compiler branding phase.

·        The compilation stage of the process requires the individual to create and save the eBook.

Using other time saving tips when compiling the eBook is also encouraged. 
Another eBook compiler tip that is rather useful in the pop up tool tips points. 

This tool is accessed whenever the individual places the cursor over any area that requires some sort of action.

The tool tip information will then appear informing the viewer of the next course of action that needs to be taken to proceed smoothly. 

This is better than having to revert to the manual and wasting a substantial amount of precious time!

Arrange The Ads In Your E-book                                          Arranging ads for eBooks is a fast growing level of popularity!
 The revenue earner would be something interesting and beneficial to consider.

EBooks should feature ads and if so how much should the authors receive in terms of revenue percentages is a good question!
If you want revenue you can receive it via the links that you put within your ebook and that is easy to do, as you put your cursor on to the hyperlink down drop menu or you will find it at the top of your page, so you click right side of your mouse once the window comes up you then type or copy and paste what you want as your hyperlink. 

Once the hyperlink is embedded within your ebook people can click on that link 
which will bring them to your Ad or another website..

Some eBook designers are now including platforms for advertising applications to facilitate revenue earning possibilities.

Attracting Advertisers to the ebook.
Attracting advertisers to the eBooks is an ongoing process,
but unlike other media there is some level of ambiguity when it comes to the accurate projection of sales derived from eBooks. 

Some advertising can be comfortably applied to the particular device or brand author with a proven track record for sales to the digital versions made. 

Then there is the possibility of gathering smaller advertising revenue projections which might be available to a target based audience for specific content. 

However meaningful projections of sales percentages which are to be based on corresponding advertising costs may prove to be rather difficult.

There are also those that are quite against the idea of including ads in the eBook style of publications as it is currently perceived to be somewhat annoying and cumbersome. 

"But I myself find the hyperlinks as additional free information that corresponds to the ebook a person is reading, and that helps gain revenue for your self once somebody clicks on to the hyperlink within the ebook, as it is quite my opinion!"
People don't have to click onto the hyperlink!!  

Those who choose not to be interrupted by such ads basically down load applications that stop such interruptions adequately thus defeating the overall intentions of advertising in the first place.
Most books don't have interrupting ads but some hyperlinks are handy!

There is also the issue of interactive availability and color screen help when it comes to viewing the ad on eBook. To date both these issues though being addressed by the relevant experts it has reached a level where the eBook user gets optimum quality visual effects.

Decide What Extras To Include In Your E-book Package
Designing an eBook is no longer just that! 
There should be other beneficial element added to the general make up of the eBook 
to make it more competitive. 

Exploring the various possibilities would be at an advantage and to definitely create your platform for more interest and revenue earnings.

The first and important step to take would be to ensure the material posted is done in 
a PDF format although HTML versions are also acceptable though not as accommodating. Apart from

Decide What Extras To Include In Your E-book Package
Designing an eBook is no longer just that!! 
There should be other beneficial elements added to the general make up of the eBook to make it more competitive. 

Exploring the various possibilities would be to your advantage and definitely create the platform for more interest and revenue earnings.

The first and important step to take would be to ensure the material posted is done in a PDF format although HTML versions are also acceptable though not as accommodating. 

Apart from the revenue earning potential there is also the fact that eBooks can present opportunities that ordinary printed information lacks. 
Without restrictions in place such as using incompatible formats, the viewer should be able to access many platforms from the actual article posted. 

Understanding that simply be default the PDF format is searchable thus making is especially user friendly for “how to” eBook contents and other styles of reference works. 

From the viewers point of view, finding and accessing information should be made easy and quick therefore making the text “clickable” would be advantageous. 

Being able to click on a particular chapter, title or any segment and then having it immediately pop up is something that would be time and energy saving thus be looked upon as favourable. 

Providing further extras such as facilitating a link on the eBook that opens a web page or even starts an email is also a good idea. 

With this facility the viewer can easily make other references from different sources and also access web links. 

The email pop up can be used to get immediate feedback from the viewer which would help the host to address any shortcomings. 

Making recommendations on other products, services or businesses can also be done in the eBook. 
When the viewer clicks through to the site where the new information is being posted the affiliate program can then bring in extra revenue to the host.

Market your E-book Depending On Its Use  
Having a great eBook but marketing it without any real direction will bring about less than desirable results. 

Knowing the eBook contents and matching it with the target audience that will find the content suitable for their needs is an important factor to look into if the desired success rate is to be achieved.

Creating a market that is well served with the particular eBook is always a good idea and putting the relevant tool into practice to ensure this end will allow the eBook to be sold according to its particular niche market. 

Once this is established more viewers will be interested in making a firm purchase.
Understanding that the eBook creator may not always be an authority on the current needs of the viewing public is a humble place to start. 

Doing some research or arming one’s self with supporting information before the niche market is approached for the purpose of getting the eBook well received should be done at the very onset of deciding the marketing strategy.

Conducting surveys, keeping abreast with current comments on blogs, reading material from popular forums or any other information that can shed light on the perceptions toward the content of the eBook in the market will assist the eBook owner to make better judgments on who would be best served by viewing the said eBook. 

This would then enable the owner to focus the attention on this group to promote the book to.
Understanding the customer is basically looking for real solutions when they source for eBooks will also assist in being able to promote the eBook according to its use. The target audience should be able to connect with the material in the eBook if it is to achieve any level of success.

Launching Your Product
The following are some tips which should ensure a successful launch strategy:

Ø Offering a pre launch discount or even freebies to all those on the individual’s emailing list would be a good way to start the attention grabbing campaign for the launch of the eBook. This action will also contribute to the loyalty status of those on the email list.

Ø Making the launch more attractive by adding features that include bonus earning potential for committed buyers is also encouraged. Most people will be more inclined to make a commitment if there is something else to be gained besides the intended product itself.

Ø Hiring outside help with the proper tools and knowledge on how to make a successful launch is something that should be considered especially if previous launches did not live up to expectations. Sometimes this is not only cost effective but also a less stressful option.

Ø Making a good first impression is sometimes the only way to ensure a successful launch. It is therefore in the best interest of the eBook design to have an attention grabbing cover design. It may even be necessary to hire a professional who would have a better idea on what is saleable. 

Ø Keeping track of every aspect of a launch is also necessary and using good supportive tools that can ensure this would be an advantage. If the monitoring system chosen is adequate there is will less stress for the individual as everything would be visible and accessible at a moment’s notice. If there are any problems detected within the launching process it can be addressed immediately and effectively. 

 There are a lot of things one can do to ensure the eBooks are well received. 
Some may take a little more time and effort than others but ultimately they all are designed to garner as much attention and revenue to the launch of the eBooks.


Friday, 18 September 2015

How to create PDF with Open Office

OpenOffice - How to create your own PDF files & FREE Download

The Advantages of using PLR !!

What is PLR?

As an Internet Marketer, your time and money are valuable resources. 
Whether you are new to the game, or you’ve been making money online for years, 
PLR content can help you explode your business in record time.  

            You’ll also learn a few tips and tricks to help you avoid falling into the trap of using 
                      the same thing every other Internet marketer out there is using. 

There's various types of PLR content;

  • PLR licenses and what you can do with them, and most importantly, the different ways you can use PLR to your advantage.
  •  PLR stands for Private Label Rights. This means you have the right to use the material as is, but you also have the right to use the material any way you see fit! 
  • You can change the material, and in fact, you should change the material because most of the time there are spelling errors and sentences that just don't make sense! 
  • You can add/delete/re-work within the written material. 
  • You can change the graphics, etc. 
  • You can even put your own name on it, so no one knows the difference!
  • You make it your own sometimes you'll need to take out large amounts of information because there are mistakes and you can get an idea from that text and then create it to fit your "Niche"!!
PLR is an excellent way to boost your online business.

  • It saves you time, money, and hassle. 
  • It’s an affordable way to source content for your website compared to hiring a freelancer to build unique content for you.  
  • Think about it. You’re an expert in your niche, but that doesn’t mean you are an expert content writer, an excellent voice artist, or an excellent videographer. 
  • Why drive yourself crazy trying to produce content on your own? 
  • You can use PLR as is, though it is not recommended. 
It is best to edit the PLR to put your own spin on things, so that you have a completely unique product compared to what is already out there are on the market!
You can do this by combining several different pieces of PLR together, or by hiring a freelancer to re-write material for you.

The beauty of PLR is that in comes in many shapes and sizes.
When most Internet Marketers hear PLR, the first thing that comes to mind is articles.
While this is the bulk of PLR, you can find a variety of other types of PLR content to suite your online business needs.

These are typically sold in packs—ranging in size from five articles to 20 or more.
Generally, the articles are all on the same optic, but you may find variety packs available from time to time.
You can use them individually to develop blog post content, or you can package them together to create a special report or eBook. These are usually delivered as a text or a Word document.

Basically, this is a long article on a central topic.
You can find them ranging in length from six to eight pages, or all the way up to 20 to 25 pages. Generally, it is delivered as a text document or a Word file so you can add graphics and other information. Some products may already have images and a cover designed. It is also possible for
the products to include other supporting material, such as your sales copy page, your thank you page, your autoresponder messages, and articles to use in promotion.

Ebooks are typically 40 pages and up, but some are as short as 25 to 30 pages. Generally, these are split into various chapters and include a Table of Contents. They often include a graphic to be used as the cover. Typically, you will find these delivered in Word or text document format so they are easy for you to edit. You may find that like with special reports, additional supporting material is included.

Special reports and eBooks are most often sold or given as a freebie, as one piece of content. However, depending on the license that comes along with them, you may be able to break them up into multiple articles, or an email series.

These packages are designed to be used as an email series, and usually include anywhere from five to 10 pieces of content on a single topic.
They are provided as text documents and do not usually include any graphics or other supporting materials.

HOW-TO REPORTS   [ which are my favourites ]
These reports usually range from one page to a few pages long. They provide step-by-step instructions for how to complete a task. These can b used for things like how to install a WordPress plugin, or how to repair a broken window screen. Typically, screenshots or other images are included to illustrate the process.

These are articles designed to specifically rate products and services, along with providing information on their pros and cons. Some PLR product reviews may include images and screenshots. These are ideal for affiliate marketing content because you can use your own affiliate links within the review.

Audio and video are quickly becoming popular types of content on the web, and because there are a number of simple editing tools available to people, PLR content availability is increasing as well. While audio and video are excellent types of content for your website, editing the for uniqueness is far more challenging than editing a piece of text. The majority of videos are how-to videos or Internet marketing tutorials.

Though not as popular as other forms of PLR, WordPress plugin developers are starting to bring forth WordPress plugin PLR, which includes the plugin, a sales letter, and an installation manual. Because most of us don’t know how to edit and customize the plugin itself, the only thing you can really customize in these packages is the sales letter.

Though not a common source of PLR, these are designed to help you compare features of popular products and services. They usually include multiple related charges that you can use individually, or together in your ebooks and special reports.

The various types of PLR content you can use to help grow and expand your business, let’s take a look at some of the most popular places online to source your PLR. 


  • eBook 
  • Sales Letter 
  • Squeeze Pages
  • Mini-Site Design with 3 eBook covers and fully editable PSD files
  • PLR license (the only thing you can’t do is pass your PLR rights onto others)
  • Warrior Forum   ( excellent choice! )  The Internet’s largest forum for Internet Marketers, the Warrior Forum is full of excellent PLR offers. Searching through the Warrior Special Offers forum will net you a variety of PLR products you could purchase and edit to your liking for your online business. 
  • ClickBank
  • Business/Internet Marketing 
  • Self Help/Self Care 
  • Weight Loss, Fitness, Exercise 
  • Pet • Vacation and Travel 
  • Gardening 
  • Home/Family/Kids 
  • Green/Organic 
  • Anxiety and Depression 
  • Anti-Aging 
  • Natural Cleaning 
  • Sleep Disorders 
  • Smoking Cessation 
  • Women’s Health 
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Get Your Ex Back 

With several other places to secure your PLR, your options are nearly endless. 
No matter what industry or niche you want to serve online, 
there is PLR content available  to help you.  
If you cannot find what you are looking for at any of these sources, 
then doing a quick google search for “your niche + plr content” can help you find 
what you are looking for. 

Each type of content you may find allows you to legally do.

The type of license that comes with your product determines what you can and cannot do with it, so it’s a critical thing to watch for when you’re shopping.

It entitles you to “own” the entire product and the individual copyright.
You are legally allowed to modify the product however you want, whether it is a minor edit, or a complete overhaul of the product.
You are allowed to sell it at a higher price, or give it away as a freebie.
Typically, the only thing you are not allowed to do is call it your own PLR and sell it with PLR
rights to others.
However, there are other license types to be aware of as you look for something that suites your niche.
These include: Private Branding Rights (PBR), Master Resell Rights (MRR),
Master Branding Rights (MBR), and Resell Rights (RR).

This is not something you’ll likely encounter, because it gives you the right to claim ownership of the product, but not necessarily the individual copyright. You are allowed to modify the product like with PLR, but you are obligated to keep the original author’s name in tact, along with some of the original portions of the product.

This means you do not own the copyright, but you have “master rights.” This means you can use or sell the product and sell the same rights to others, but you cannot modify or alter the product away from its original form, at all.
Depending on the product, you may be allowed to apply your own PLR ownership to the original copyright. The product’s license will tell you.

Under this license, you have the right to modify or change certain portions of the content. You can use or sell the products, with the same rights according to the product’s license. You do not own the copyright.
Depending on the product, you may be allowed to apply your own PLR ownership to the original copyright. The product’s license will tell you.

Under this license, you have the right to resell the product, but you cannot change anything about it. You can only use and sell the product as is, and you cannot grant others this right. Other restrictions may be detailed in the product’s license.

Depending on the rights available with a package and how many of the packages are being sold, there’s potential for hundreds, or even thousands of people to be using the exact same 
material you are. 
Each package you download should come with information detailing the license the product(s) come with.
If you have any questions about the license, contact the seller for clarification. 

When in doubt, go with PLR you can change/modify completely, with copyrights. 
PLR content is only valuable to your business when you use it correctly. 


Thursday, 17 September 2015