Wednesday 16 September 2015

Use strategies that are Google-friendly and that offer a sustainable solution!!

Over the past three years, Google has released over 45 algorithm updates. 
As a result, old tried-and-tested techniques for delivering organic search results 
have become obsolete. 
Gone are the days where one could easily game the Google algorithm and quickly 
gain first-page results. 
Today, newer and more effective digital marketing strategies are needed that support and leverage the changes that Google is making. 

The days of old SEO are over! 
You can no longer get rankings by generating lots of low-level inbound links, creating low-quality content, and updating your website with spammy title tags and meta tags. 

In fact, many of the techniques that once generated fantastic first-page results are seriously hindering the performance of many websites today. 

Google rocked the SEO community by introducing the Penguin 1.0 Algorithm Update in April 2012. Penguin targeted sites that were using spammy and unnatural linking to manufacture top search engine placement. 

This change, coupled with Panda Updates targeting spammy and thin content, has changed the SEO landscape forever. 
These algorithm updates have left marketers confused, angry, and directionless. 

The effects of these algorithm changes have, in many cases, resulted in Google penalties that have decimated thousands of businesses that depend on organic search engine traffic to generate new business. 

Not only has this detrimentally affected online businesses, but it has also left most marketers uncertain as to how to restore rankings to previous Penguin 1.0 levels. 

Use strategies that are Google-friendly and that offer a sustainable solution for generating positive SEO results. 

Look at search engine optimization in the past and comparing it to SEO today and in the future!

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